About Us
Stylecraze is the world's largest online community for women featuring extensive and original content in Beauty & Wellness with over 17 million monthly uniques. We have a community of over 100 beauty bloggers who provide unique coverage on everyday beauty issues faced by women on the go. Our focus is to provide practicable beauty and wellness advice that enriches our audience while it inspires them to achieve the best version of themselves.
Store.stylecraze aims to introduce and promote only the best beauty products- curated, tested and vouched for by our team of in-house beauty experts. We aim to build a selection of products that effectively addresses and solves the beauty needs of our audience.
We launched Store.Stylecraze with Dafni Original, a revolutionary hair straightening brush developed to make hair starightening faster, easier and safer. The product made waves with its unique technology, providing an excellent solution for time consuming and strenuous straightening with flat irons. An ideal product for our audience, we thought it would be a great start for Store. Stylecraze , setting the stage for more to come.